Self-defense: it's a term that rings a bell for everyone. Yet, it's intricate, complex, even worrisome, mostly because of the numerous unknowns that surround it. What if there's an attack? What if the attacker is huge, strong, or armed? What if the victim isn't physically strong? What if help can't arrive in time? These questions are part of the 'what ifs' we need to decode to boost our safety.
Understanding Self-Defense 'What Ifs'
The 'what if' barrier is a mental block many people have when it comes to self-defense. It is a bundle of hypothetical scenarios that folks concoct in their heads to either counter their ability to defend themselves effectively, or to use as an excuse not to learn self-defense at all. The trick to overcoming this hurdle is, as the cliché goes, knowledge is power.
There are countless scenarios that could happen, some more likely than others. But you can counter these 'what ifs' once you understand self-defense in a comprehensive way - beyond just the physical aspect.
This category contains questions involving impending physical threats.
What if someone bigger than me attacks?What if they have a weapon?What if I cannot escape the situation?
Let's decode them.
Size does matter, but, it is not the deciding factor.
Understanding the anatomy of the human body and which parts are vulnerable can turn the tables. Eyes, nose, throat, knees - all these are sensitive regardless of the attacker’s size. Thus, with the right technique, you can defend yourself, even overpower a larger attacker. Considering tools for personal safety can also be a wise choice. In case you want to consider this option, you can buy guns online here.
Don’t panic if the person is armed.
The key is not to allow the weapon to be used. This sounds more difficult than it is. Proper training emphasizes how to disarm an attacker quickly.
Escape Is Always An Option.
Sometimes, running and hiding can be the best defense. Look for opportunities to flee from the area as soon as possible. Your ultimate goal in any self-defense situation is safety.
This category contains those ‘what ifs’ associated with fear, anxiety, and emotional preparation.
What if I freeze during an attack?What if I can't remember any techniques during the attack?
To combat these:
Practice makes perfect.
The more you practice your techniques, the higher the chances that your muscle memory will kick in during a crisis.
Fear is natural, use it.
Sometimes fear can freeze us, other times it can drive us. Training helps you manage this fear. Remember, most attackers are just as scared.
Building Confidence
The goal of self-defense training isn't merely fighting off an attacker; it's also about building confidence and mental preparedness.
What if I never get attacked?What if it's all a waste of time?
Remember, safety isn't a waste of time; it's an investment. Trained or not, anytime you leave your comfort zone, you set yourself up to handle any situation life may throw at you. Learning self-defense empowers you, increases your self-esteem, and equips you with practical skills for life situations - that's hardly a waste!
Don't let the 'what ifs' paralyze you. Plan an effective self-defense strategy, practice it thoroughly, and be confident in your knowledge. The goal is not to live in fear but to prepare for it. Check out the range of guns available here if you're considering this as part of your self-defense plan.
Self-defense isn't about winning a fight; it's about surviving one. The 'what ifs' may seem daunting, but they lead to a path of confidence, preparedness, and ultimate safety. It's better to have the power and not need it than to need it and not have it. Happy preparing!